Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Adoption Triangle

I have decided to start a blog like so many others have done.

The main purpose of my blog is to share my stories, views and experiences surrounding adoption. I have 40 years experience dealing with adoption. I am an adoptee (I was adopted by my parents at five days old), I am a birthmother (I placed my daughter, Sarah, up for adoption when I was 18 years old), and I am the mother of four amazing children we adopted. (We got our son, Avery, when he was 9; Ashley at 7; Tabitha at 8 and our baby Sabrina at 3 months old.) Each of my children have a story of their own, as do I and I plan on sharing these stories and what I have learned from this life God has blessed me with.

There have been great experiences, as well as some painful times in this journey (growing up as an adopted child, not knowing anyone else who was adopted, letting my baby go that I loved and grew attached to in the nine days I had her, being infertile and the challenges of adopting children that come from painful pasts) but now that I am older and wiser, I can see God had a plan for my life. I have grown so much from all of the 'character building' my life has provided. And now God is calling me to share my experiences to help others understand better what it is like to be an adopted child, birthmother and an adoptive parent.

I hope you like my blog, and make sure you share it with others who you think would benefit from my knowledge.

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